Water for healing

Activating water for purity and healing

Take a glass of fresh water and hold it between your palms, place your feet on the floor, keep your eyes closed.

Take a few breaths through your nose and exhale through your nose. Breathe in, hold your breath for a moment, breathe out and breathe out some more. Breathe like this for a while.

Visualize the light coming from your heart, flowing over your hands and palms and entering the water you hold in your hands. Take a glass/bottle of water, drink a little before you start.

Say out loud or in your mind:

“Here and now, may this water in my hands be purified from all heavy metals, toxins, viruses, bacteria and everything else harmful that does not serve me and is not good for me and my health. Let it be here and now for my greatest good.
And so it is.”

“May this water in my hands be returned here and now to its original frequency, original vibration and original quality as Spirit/God originally designed it. Let it be here and now for my greatest good.
And so it is.”

“Let this water in my hands receive here and now all the light information necessary for my highest good, for healing, for my health, for whatever I need at this moment. Let it be here and now for my greatest good. So it will be.
And so it is.”

“Here and now, this water is for my greatest good.”

Intuitively drink as much water as you need.